$ERN Liquidity Provider Program
Total Locked LP Tokens
The total amount of Uniswap ERN/ETH pair LP tokens staked in the contract.
Total ERN Claimed
The total amount of ERN earned through the liquidity provider program.
Annual percentage yield of this liquidity provider program.
Start Block #
Starting block number of the liquidity provider program.
End Block #
Ending block number of the liquidity provider program.
Reward per Block
Amount of ERN that becomes available as rewards per each Ethereum block.
-- ERN
Start Time
Starting time of the liquidity provider program.
Mar 14, 03:00 UTC
End Time
Ending time of the liquidity provider program.
Total ERN
Total ERN allocated to this liquidity provider program.

Your Total ERN Earned
The amount of ERN tokens you have earned through the program.


Your LP Tokens to Lock
The amount of LP tokens you have available to lock in the program.
Your Locked LP Tokens
The amount of LP tokens you already have locked in the program.
Your Claimable ERN
The amount of ERN you are able to claim and harvest.